It's a collection of Indie games and it's pay-what-you-want. They clamied that "All games in the Humble Indie Bundle work natively on Linux." and I am interested to see if they really do. I have heard of most of the games and was very keen on trying out VVVVV which seems really cool.
The sale of the bundle is over :(
After paying $10 I got a link where I could download the games. After downloading and unzipping VVVVV I entered the terminal and tried to run it.
But got an error
A litle googleing told me that the SDL_mixer library is missing.
Let's install it.
And it works!
I'll try the other games and write more about it later.
Now I am going to enjoy the game.
Have fun!
Mini Review!
VVVVV is a fantastic game, it's loads of fun and extremly challenging. I died almost a thousand times in the 2½ hours it took me to complete the game. But it was worth every death. It's innovative and groundbraking.
VVVVV is like Meteroid on LSD!
Final Stats.
I still have some "trinktes" left to collect. They are optional but adds extra value to the game. I'm sure that collecting the last 6 take me as long time as to finish the regular game.
If you get chance to try VVVVV you should, it's a great game.
Have fun!
Progress on Player Levels
Player Levels I have finished so far:
* Line Warp ( fun and challanging )
* Roadtrip to the moon ( fun but short )
* Pyramid Of Doom ( great but to short )
* Variation Venture ( best so far! )