Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Classes and Test Jars and Poms Oh My. Building a TestCoverage Test takes them all.

After spending a few days on getting a complicated coverage test working I really feel I should document it.

My setup is that I have 3 maven projects. One parent project and two subprojects, one for functional testing and one for coverage tests. The crux I had with this assignment was that the coverage project needed to be able to read classes and their annotations from it's sister project "xml-functional" to determine what it actually tested.

Overview of the maven project set up


xmltest : This is the parent project, it does nothing in it self.
xmltest-functional : The functional tests
xmltest-coverage : The coverage test what I was building

Creating a Test Jar
First step was to get this working was to set up my xmltest-functional project so it would create a test-jar with all the test classes. For this I used maven-jar-plugin to add a new execution.

In /xmltest/xmltest-functional/pom.xml


Did it work?
Now, after running mvn clean install, there is a tests.jar created which contain all the test classes in our functional project.

~/.m2/repository/com/companyx/xmltest/xmltest-functional/2.0.0-SNAPSHOT$ ls -l

And now I can use that jar in our coverage project. First we need to add a dependency to the functional project in our pom. We want to use the "tests.jar" so we set classifier and scope to tests and test.

In /xmltest/xmltest-coverage/pom.xml


Adding the normal dependency
But that is not all, we also need to add the normal dependency so that when in create class objects of what we find we don't get errors.

In /xmltest/xmltest-coverage/pom.xml


Writing the Test
Now, what we need to do is to write the coverage test.

A typical test class

package com.companyx.xmltest.functional;


public class ImageControllerGetTest {

Coverage Test
Now, finally, I can write a test which scans in the classpath for classes with are annotated with @Test, loops through all that have the correct package, checks if they have the @Path annotation and get the annotation.

ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(Test.class));
for (BeanDefinition bd : scanner.findCandidateComponents("com.companyx.xmltest.functional")) {
try {
   Class clazz = Class.forName(bd.getBeanClassName());
   if( hasPathAnnotation(clazz) ){
      Annotation annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Path.class);

And so on and so forth
And you'll just have to imaging that we do the same for the controller classes, puts it all into two lists and compare the lists. But I'm sure you can figure out how to do this :)

Why don't you just filter on Path.class instead of Test.class
I am sure someone would ask this if I actually had any readers.
Good question and the reason we do this is because we want to find test classes which has missed being annotated with @Test. It happens and we want to catch those cases as well.

That's It
I hope you got something out of this, I sure learnt a lot while writing it.
Hope to see you again in the next blog post.

And remeber:

"To error is human, to test is divine"

Maven Ninja Moves

I'll round off with some good commands my Mentor taught me.

mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
Gives you a list of plugs you can update.

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
Gives you a list of dependencies you can update.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Recovering deleted files from an svn repository


This posts show how to recover a deleted file in Subversion.
Assuming the file is called "" and it was deleted by mistake by the sloppy developer John Doe.

1. Get svn log
Assuming the file is to big to work with in the terminal we save the output
>svn log --verbose > svn_log_verbose

2. Open file in text editor
>gedit svn_log_verbose

3. Find the commit that delete it
Ctrl+F ""

Fixed stuff in the system
r53308 | john_doe | 2011-11-17 13:15:39 +0100 (Thu, 17 Nov 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/xmlapi-test/src/test/java/com/
A /trunk/xmlapi-test/src/test/java/com/
D /trunk/xmlapi-test/src/test/java/com/

4. Revert it
You need to use one revision BELOW the one that deleted it.
> svn up -r 53307 src/test/java/com/
A src/test/java/com/
Updated to revision 53307.

5. Add to repo
> svn cp -r 53307 src/test/java/com/ svn://
Now you are promted default text editor to enter commit message. Enter message, save file and Exit to commit.
( cp is short for copy )

6. Update Repo
> svn up
U src/test/java/com/
Updated to revision 53790.

Now the file is reverted and back in repo! Life could not be better!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 Freeze On Startup using Current Nvidia Drivers

Yesterday coming home from a night of dining and board games I decided to update my Nvidia drivers. The reason I wanted to do this was because I just bought the Humble Frozen Synapse bundle and it was running slow on my machine, I thought that updating the Drivers would give me some sweet Hardware acceleration and kung fu graphics.

But instead of Gaming Heaven I entered Linux Hell.

After selecting "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) Recommended" and rebooting I couldn't use my computer any more. Ubuntu and Unity would start. I was able to move the mouse but rest of the desktop was frozen. It was like it had frozen in mid launching.

I figured that changing back to the old driver would fix it. Likely by entering some kind of Graphics Safe Mode. But how to do this without a GUI was a not obvious to me.

This is the long version of how I fixed it. I have included some, but not all, of my trial and error. I am writing this both for my sake, otherwise I am likely to forget how it was fixed, and for your sake, hoping to help someone with similar problems.

Part 1: Grub
Since I only have one OS on my computer Grub was configured to not show a menu on start up. So first I needed to figure out how to enter Grub on boot. Holding down SHIFT like it said in the documentation didn't work so I after I while I figured out that if I pressed "Ctrl+Alt+Del" and held for a few seconds it would reboot and Grub menu would show up. Doing this all the time was annoying so I decided to enable Grub on boot.

Step by Step instructions:
* Reboot and hold "Ctrl+Alt+Del" to enter Grub.
* Select Recovery mode of latest kernel
* Select "Drop To Root Shell Prompt"
(Root shell did not ask for password which was kind of scary)
* Edit file /etc/default/grub

This, according to Grub Documentation, means
- The menu will be displayed for the number of seconds designated by GRUB_TIMEOUT.

This, according to Grub Documentation, means
- A counter will display on a blank screen for the duration of the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT value.

* Restarting Computer
Now Grub menu is shown by default. Yay!

Part 2: Disable auto-login
Since I'm the only user on the system Ubuntu has been set up to Auto-Login with my User. I needed to turn this off since I figured I could select Safe Mode from login screen. I couldn't enter the system since it freezes so I needed to do this from the command prompt.

Step by Step instructions:
* Reboot to enter Grub.
* Select Recovery mode of latest kernel
* Select "Drop To Root Shell Prompt"
* Edit file /etc/gdm/custom.conf

I changed "AutomaticLoginEnable=false" to "AutomaticLoginEnable=true"

* Restart Computer, select latest Linux in Grub
Now I have a login screen instead of a Unity that hangs. Yay!

Part 3: Login Safe Mode
When login screen appears I stopped the timed login and selected my user.
At the bottom of the screen there is bar where you can choose window manager.
I selected "Ubuntu Classic" which means Gnome, and enter Ubuntu.
Won't Start! Same as in Unity, freezes Desktop but I can move the mouse. Damn!

* Restart and try again
This time I select "Ubuntu Safe Mode" and enter Ubuntu.
It starts and I can use my computer again!
I'm so close to victory that I can taste it.

Part 4: Disable nvidia-current
* From Gnome menu I select "System" -> "Administration" -> "Additional Drivers" and try to enable the old Nvidia drivers but is informed that I do not have permissions to do such a thing.
* Using "System" -> "Preferences" -> "Main Menu" I find out the command to start "Additional Drivers" which is "/usr/bin/jockey-gtk".
* Start terminal and enter "sudo /usr/bin/jockey-gtk"
* Dialogue opens and I can enable the old Nvidia drivers.
* Restart Computer and Select "Ubuntu" on login screen.
Now Unity starts without freezing!

After a few hours of fighting with Linux I am finally back to where I started.
Frozen Synapse still has bad FPS and lagging but I so much better than a Computer that freezes.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

VVVVV on Ubuntu 11.04

Today I bought The Humble Indie Bundle #3
It's a collection of Indie games and it's pay-what-you-want. They clamied that "All games in the Humble Indie Bundle work natively on Linux." and I am interested to see if they really do. I have heard of most of the games and was very keen on trying out VVVVV which seems really cool.
It's only 2 days left on the package so hurry if you want to try it out.
The sale of the bundle is over :(

After paying $10 I got a link where I could download the games. After downloading and unzipping VVVVV I entered the terminal and tried to run it.

But got an error
./VVVVVV_32: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

A litle googleing told me that the SDL_mixer library is missing.
Let's install it.
>sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2

And it works!

I'll try the other games and write more about it later.

Now I am going to enjoy the game.

Have fun!


Mini Review!
VVVVV is a fantastic game, it's loads of fun and extremly challenging. I died almost a thousand times in the 2½ hours it took me to complete the game. But it was worth every death. It's innovative and groundbraking.
VVVVV is like Meteroid on LSD!

Final Stats.

I still have some "trinktes" left to collect. They are optional but adds extra value to the game. I'm sure that collecting the last 6 take me as long time as to finish the regular game.

If you get chance to try VVVVV you should, it's a great game.

Have fun!

Progress on Player Levels

Player Levels I have finished so far:
* Line Warp ( fun and challanging )
* Roadtrip to the moon ( fun but short )
* Pyramid Of Doom ( great but to short )
* Variation Venture ( best so far! )

Friday, July 1, 2011

The true beauty of QTP

Ian Fraser has well said it -

“The true beauty of QTP is that the only limitation is your imagination and ability to code in VBScript.”

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting Amiga 500 game Demon's Winter running on Ubuntu

This is a step by step instruction on how to get the Amiga 500 game Demon's Winter running on Ubuntu 10.10.

It's highly probable that these instructions will get most Amiga games running on most versions of Ubuntu/Linux. At the very least it'll give you an understanding of the steps to take to get emulating Amiga to work.

Step 0: What is Demon's Winter?
Demon's Winter is a role-playing game released in 1988 for the Amiga by Moby Games. A friend told me about it so I decided to try and get it up and running on my Linux Desktop. If you want to know more check out the following pages's_Winter

Step 1: Download Demon's Winter rom
Amiga roms are called .adf ( Amiga Disk File ) and you need it to play the game naturally.
Download zipped Demon's Winter rom from link belown and unzip it somewhere.'s_Winter/5958

Step 2: Download Amiga Kickstart Rom 1.3
To start the game you need to emulate the Amiga OS, for this you need a Kickstart Rom. In case of the Amiga 500 you need a 1.3 kickstart rom. You can create your own if you own the original amiga disks but it's probably also legal to download it if you do.
Asuming you do own a copy, download these zipped roms from pirate bay and unzip "Amiga kick13.rom" somewhere.

Step 3: Install Amiga Emulator E-UAE
In the "Ubuntu Software Center" search for "Amiga Emulator" and install "E-UAE".

Step 4: Start Game!
Start E-UAE
Select the "Memory" tab. Change Kickstart ROM file and select "Amiga kick13.rom"
Change to "Floppy disks" tab. For DF0, click "insert" and select "Demon's Winter.adf"
Change to "Game ports" tab. I'm using Mouse for Port 0 and Numeric Pad for Port 1 and that seems to be working fine.
Click start, after a while the Amiga loading screen should should up. Wait for a few seconds and Demon's Winter starts.

Enjoy the game!